
Half Year Membership offer

Start the year right by supporting refugees, asylum seekers and detainees! If you've been thinking about becoming a CARAD member for a while, but needed a little incentive, then check this out! For a limited time, we are offering you the chance to support the work we do by purchasing a HALF YEAR Membership!

🟣 Individual: $25

🟣 Family: (2 adults from same household) $40

🟣 Organisation Small: $75

🟣 Organisation Medium: $150

🟣 Organisation Large: $250

You get all the same wonderful benefits including:

📱 Access to our monthly newsletters;

✊ Find out when our AGM is happening so you can vote;

🤝 Your membership adds much needed weight to our ability to advocate for people AND

🙏 You are supporting our day to day effort to give people dignity and respect.

At CARAD we are proud of the work we do and your membership will ensure we continue to provide excellent support to people who need it most. Click here to buy your HALF year membership!